16 Juli, 2017
Contoh Tenses, Active-Passive, Comparison Degree, Direct-Indirect Sentence, & If Clause
1. Tenses
a.) Present Tense: We agree with the speaker’s opinion. (Kami setuju dengan opini pembicara.)
b.) Present Progressive Tense: I’m driving a car to Bandung now. (Saya sedang menyetir mobil ke Bandung sekarang.)
c.) Present Future Tense: I am going to meet him tomorrow. (Saya akan menemuinya besok.)
d.) Present Perfect Tense: I have lived in Cilegon for 3 months. (Saya telah tinggal di Cilegon selama 3 bulan.)
e.) Past Tense: The party started at 8.00 p.m. (Pesta dimulai jam 8 malam.)
f.) Past Progressive Tense: The team was playing basketball all day yesterday. (Tim bermain basket sepanjang hari kemarin.)
g.) Past Future Tense: He would forgive you. (Dia akan memaafkanmu.)
h.) Past Perfect Tense: When he came last night, the cake had run out. (Ketika dia datang semalam, kue sudah habis.)
2. Active-Passive
a.) Present Tense:
Active: People make books from trees. (Orang membuat buku dari pohon.)
Passive: Books are made from trees. (Buku dibuat dari pohon.)
b.) Present Progressive Tense:
Active: The surveyor is using the digital theodolite. (Surveyor sedang menggunakan teodolit digital.)
Passive: The digital teodolit is being used. (Teodolit digital sedang digunakan.)
c.) Present Future Tense:
Active: He is going to meet a new client tomorrow. (Dia akan bertemu seorang klien baru besok.)
Passive: A new client is going to be met tomorrow. (Seorang klien baru akan ditemui besok.)
d.) Present Perfect Tense:
Active: We have verified your application. (Kami kami akan memverifikasi aplikasimu.)
Passive: Your application has been verified. (Aplikasimu telah diverfikasi.)
e.) Past Tense:
Active: Sunmark Press printed the first book in 2005. (Sunmark Press mencetak buku pertama tersebut pada tahun 2005.)
Passive: The first book was printed in 2005 by Sunmark Press. (Buku pertama tersebut dicetak pada tahun 2005 oleh Sunmark Press.)
f.) Past Progressive Tense:
Active: My friend was baking bread when I came. (Teman saya sedang memanggang roti ketika saya datang.)
Passive: Bread were being baked when I came. (Roti sedang dipanggang ketika saya datang.)
g.) Past Future Tense:
Active: He would forgive you. (Dia akan memaafkanmu.)
Passive: You would be forgiven by him (Kamu akan dimaafkan oleh dia.)
h.) Past Perfect Tense:
Active: They had used poison gas in World War I. (Mereka telah menggunakan gas beracun dalam perang dunia pertama.)
Passive: Poison gas had been used in World War I. (Gas beracun telah digunakan dalam perang dunia pertama.)
3. Comparison Degree
a.) Positive Degree: The task is not as difficult as you imagine. (Tugas itu tidak sesulit yang kamu bayangkan.)
b.) Comparative Degree: The student is quicker to learn English than her friend. (Siswa tersebut lebih cepat belajar bahasa Inggris daripada temannya.)
c.) Super Relative: I’m the tallest among my friends. (Saya paling tinggi diantara teman-teman.)
4. Direct-Indirect Sentences
a.) Direct: "I'll be back soon,” he said. (Saya akan segera kembali.)
b.) Indirect: He said that he would be back soon. (Dia mengatakan bahwa dia akan segera kembali.)
5. If Clause
a.) Type 1: If I have free time, I will go swimming. (Jika saya punya waktu luang, saya akan pergi berenang.)
b.) Type 2: If it rained tomorrow, I would sleep all day. (Jika besok hujan, saya akan tidur sepanjang hari.)
c.) Type 3: If you had remembered to invite me, I would have attended your party. (Jika kamu ingat mengundang saya, saya akan hadir di pestamu.)
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